October 14, 2019

Must Reads: Practical Advice For A No Deal Brexit & Being A Greener Food Business – Oct 2019

We’ve had a heavy time of it lately – dark nights closing in, rain rain rain, no resolutions on Brexit and London being brought to a standstill by climate change activists.

Lovely as it would be to shut our eyes, close the curtains and pretend that none of the outside world is happening, we really can’t. Luckily, we’ve put together some of the best articles on the hot topics of this month – from no deal Brexit preparations to how you can do your bit as a food business, and get recognised for it, by providing more ethical, sustainable and quality food options for consumers.


Brexit. “Yawn!” I hear you say. Yes, it has been three years of hot political debates, economic turmoil and cause for concern as it makes people and countries ever more divisive.

However, it is going to happen, we just don’t know how. In April we put together a guide on How To Prepare For Brexit As A Food Business and whilst no-one seems to be any the wiser on the subject, UKHospitality and the Tourism Alliance have recently published a no-deal guide for catering and hospitality businesses. Although there may still be a deal drawn up (in the next 2 weeks??!!), it seems imperative to be aware of what the effect of leaving the EU without a deal might mean to you as a food business. Including:

  • Potential Economic Impact on the UK
  • Disruptions To Workforce
  • Potential Disruption To Supply Chains/The Impact Of Tariffs
  • Data Protection Requirements
  • Food Labelling

As well as this guide, they will be hosting a webinar on the topic on the 17th October. You can register here to listen in.

Read full article: NO DEAL BREXIT BRIEFING

How I Spent A Week Eating Leftovers Using Apps That Aim To End Food Waste – i paper

Another hot topic of the month is Extinction Rebellion’s war on London and the UK government’s failure to implement any meaningful change to the way we live to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse emissions to net zero by 2025.

As well as the government’s responsibility, when it comes to climate change we all need to consider our bit – one of them being food waste. This article can help you to lead a less wasteful life, but it can also give you ideas for the different methods that you as a food business can apply to your day to day catering to make your business less wasteful in the long run.

And while we are on the topic, it might also be worth checking out ways to make your business more sustainable – whether it be through how you source your produce, what you use or how you prepare and package it.

Read full article: How I Spent A Week Eating Leftovers Using Apps That Aim To End Food Waste

Food Made Good Awards 2019 Shortlist Revealed – The Caterer

This year we provided detail of 2019’s hot cooking competitions to enter to get yourself and your food business recognised through your chef and cooking skills – but there are more ways to get your business on the map.

The Food Made Good Awards, for example, looks to recognise “chefs, owners, managers and producers from businesses at the forefront of creating positive change across foodservice, the whole supply sector, and the wider food system.” And we think they are worth a look. Not simply from an inspirational point of view, but for you to consider ways that you might be able to innovate your business and get recognised for doing so.

We will be keeping on the lookout for hot competitions to enter in 2020, so watch this space for an update.

Read full article: Food Made Good Awards 2019 Shortlist Revealed

Keep Up To Date With Hot Topics

Our blog aims to keep you up to date with the food and catering industry, latest trends and offers, as well as guides and resources for managing your food business – whether it be related to food delivery, catering and hospitality or a restaurant central production unit.

On a monthly basis we scour the web, looking for the hottest topics relevant to businesses that license commercial kitchens. Stay tuned with our Must Reads to keep up to date with the latest and greatest.

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