November 13, 2016

An Open Letter From FoodStars Co-Founders – New Announcements, A Glimpse Into The Future & Thank You!

Today marks a big day in the journey of FoodStars London, for us as founders, for the ambitious food companies we are proud to call our clients, and for the entire London food production community we want to work with to scale their impact.

  • We’re proud to announce the opening of new commercial production kitchens across Bethnal Green and Bermondsey, adding to our successful first location.
  • We’ve launched our fantastic new FoodStars website, showcasing our product, and how our kitchens can help your food business grow to new heights.

A little over a year ago, we launched with a very simple mission: To help London’s most ambitious food businesses succeed by providing design led, commercial kitchen spaces, flexible licences and community support.

For the past two years, we’ve taken a deep and holistic view on how affordable and flexible kitchen space, with a focus on community can accelerate the pace in which food producers can grow and prosper.

Already, we’ve seen incredible stories of food production, startup perseverance and company growth. We are so proud to see our existing clients be on the shelves at leading national supermarkets, secure vital funding, supply London’s major working hubs, and deliver gourmet food direct to the British public’s front door.

And we’re only just getting started.

Over the coming months, we will be using our blog to provide articles on the vibrant UK food tech scene, interview London’s best food producers and invite you to our planned community events.

To all our clients, thank you!

For us, today’s announcements and what they enable us to do is by far the most exciting. To think we can play a small role in helping to accelerate growth solutions for London’s food producers is not only a responsibility we’re proud to take on, but is in itself incredibly motivational.

We’d love to help your business – book a tour today


The FoodStars Co-Founders

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